Christian Practices to Get Spiritually Fit
Sometimes, our spiritual lives also need support. We can become tired and out of control. Although we know deep down that spiritual transformation is part of our spiritual journeys, often we don't see much. We wonder, "What am I doing wrong?" Is it possible for my life to show more evidence of the radical transformation God has called me to?
Christians Face Challenges in Today's Culture
Paul, the Apostle, wrote that we are being "transformed into His (Christ) image – with ever-increasing glory which comes from God, who is The Holy Spirit" (2 Corinthians 3:8). You might be asking yourself, "Wow!" Is there something wrong? I don't see the promised "ever-increasing glory", in my life. Is this the whole of Christ's life? You are not the only one who feels like this. Many people are disillusioned and leaving the church.
Peter Scazzero, author of Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, writes:
Researchers are tracking the departures of those called 'church leavers', a growing group that has increased in number in recent years.
Pew Research Center conducted another survey of over 35,000 Americans and found that nearly eight percent of them identify themselves as Christians.
The growing rejection of Christianity is a sign that society itself is changing. This can't be attributed to the secularization of our culture. Many have been called "judgmental" and, while Jesus commands us to love as He loves, Christians spend more time arguing about their rights than loving their neighbors.
What is the answer? A healthy, growing relationship with Christ is the only way to achieve the radical transformation promised by scripture. It takes effort, just like every relationship. To be transformed, you must invest in your relationship to Christ. Although the Holy Spirit is responsible for the transformation, He expects that we cooperate. The best way to achieve greater spiritual health is for believers to learn how to create practices.
Five Christian Practices to Get Spiritually Fit
1. Silence -- We have become addicted to noise. We are constantly bombarded with information via cell phones, email and social media, 24 hours a days, 7 days a week. Jesus invites us to go away alone to find some peace and rest (Mark 6;31). We can hear His voice only in quiet spaces and places. The Bible states that God did not reveal himself to Elijah in 1 Kings 19. He was in silence and not in a strong earthquake. In my spiritual journey this year, I've recommitted myself to silence. I live my life in a fast lane. While I enjoy traveling, writing, and keeping up with family obligations I have come to realize that I need to be quieter in order to hear God's still small voice. Every day, I try to practice stillness and silence for a few moments. This forgotten practice can be a bit difficult to rekindle, but it is well worth the effort.
2. Praise -- Our Creator created us to worship. Without worship, we can't live a spiritually healthy life. Both times of personal worship and corporate worship are essential. When we praise God in a deliberate way, our thoughts will shift from worrying and worrying to the Holy One, who can solve our problems and bring us peace. Psalm 150 tells us to make praise the constant pattern of our lives. It is impossible to praise God without changing your life. Praise is one the most powerful tools for life transformation we have been given. It's a powerful tool that can transform lives. Learn how to use it.
3. Bible Meditation -- The scriptures are our ultimate authority for life and godliness. How can we expect to experience life transformation without first considering the scriptures? Psalm 1 shows a person who is happy and joyful in their spiritual walk. This is someone who "delights in the Lord's law and meditates upon his law every day" (Psalm 1:1). Hebrew for "meditative" is the Hebrew word that means "reflect on or to mutter." It also implies the idea of repeating a thought in our minds. Psalm 1 says that a person who meditates and delights in God's word will lead a spiritually fruitful life. It has been helpful for me to read a portion of scripture and then meditate on it. I keep a journal with my thoughts about the passage. I also consider how God might be speaking through the scriptures I have read. Through the day, I practice my scripture readings. We can be calm and focused by focusing on scripture. Our relationship with Christ is solid and steady.
4. Community -- You were created for community. Your spiritual journey was not meant to be undertaken alone. Proverbs 27:17 says, "As iron sharpens Iron so one person sharpens the other." Spiritual transformation can only happen if you are faithfully involved in a genuine community and willing to share your vulnerability with Christ-followers. Instead of focusing on yourself, be open to others. Be vulnerable and invite others to join you on your spiritual journey.
5. Genogram -- This tool helps you identify patterns of sin in your family. When we look at our family history, the Apostle Paul asks us great questions: "Rather, we have renounced hidden and shameful ways; nor do we use deception nor distort God's word" (2 Corinthians 4). Let me suggest that you draw your family tree. Consider the following questions: Did my family engage in any shameful or secretive practices? Was deception a common practice? Did they have addictions that were not talked about, but still present? Consider how your family's broken patterns have affected your spirituality.
While a healthy spiritual life can bring joy unmatched, it requires an investment. Good news is that Jesus' followers have made a commitment to their relationship with Christ for hundreds of years. You can also focus on your spiritual fitness and make space in your daily life for spiritual practices.
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