
Symbolism of Aaron's Rod For Healing

  Throughout the history of the Bible, the Aaron's Rod for healing has been a symbol of power and faith. It's use has impacted people's lives in ways that are still felt today. Meaning During the plagues of Egypt, the rod of Aaron was endowed with miraculous power. It had the ability to turn water into blood, swallow the snakes of magicians, and bring plagues of frogs. It represented the authority of God. The Hebrew word for rod is matteh, and it is also used to describe Moses' staff. In Exodus 4:2, it is stated that the rod of Aaron was made of fruit of the Spirit. This is a clear indication that the Spirit of God was working in and through the rod. Throughout the Bible, rods are used as symbols of authority. They convey power to princes, and they were a sign of rulership. They were commonly shorter than staffs. Moreover, they were used by shepherds to guide flocks. Symbolism Symbolism of Aaron's Rod for healing is a significant part of Biblical history. It is not

Christian Practices to Get Spiritually Fit

  Sometimes, our spiritual lives also need support.   We can become tired and out of control.   Although we know deep down that spiritual transformation is part of our spiritual journeys, often we don't see much.   We wonder, "What am I doing wrong?"   Is it possible for my life to show more evidence of the radical transformation God has called me to? Christians Face Challenges in Today's Culture Paul, the Apostle, wrote that we are being "transformed into His (Christ) image – with ever-increasing glory which comes from God, who is The Holy Spirit" (2 Corinthians 3:8).   You might be asking yourself, "Wow!"   Is there something wrong?   I don't see the promised "ever-increasing glory", in my life.   Is this the whole of Christ's life?   You are not the only one who feels like this.   Many people are disillusioned and leaving the church. Peter Scazzero , author of Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, writes: Researchers are tracking t

New Multi-Blog Website

Welcome to the new blog site called  Kimberlist . HOME FOR HUGE COLLECTION OF USEFUL INFORMATION, TIPS & TRICKS, SECRETS & ADVICE FOR BETTER LIFE. The site is being updated on a regular basis. Visit us at

New Multi-Blog Website

Welcome to the new blog site called Kimberlist . HOME FOR HUGE COLLECTION OF USEFUL INFORMATION, TIPS & TRICKS, SECRETS & ADVICE FOR BETTER LIFE. The site is being updated on a regular basis. Visit us at